Anlatım Genel Software Defined Networking

How To Install Open vSwitch 2.3.0 to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Peace be upon you dear visitor 🙂

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to install Open vSwitch 2.3.0 in your Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. I modified the installation code in Mininet to do that.

If you want to install Mininet and other things (e.g. cbench, wireshark, pox and etc.) from scratch, you should modify the installation script in Mininet, too. Before modifying the installation code, open install.sh in mininet/util directory. Then;

  • Change OVS_RELEASE=1.4.0 to OVS_RELEASE=2.3.0.
  • If you have previous version of Open vSwitch installed in your system, you should remove it. Thus, use remove_ovs function to do that. You can either run this code separately or add to the function all.
  • Comment out ovs line in the function all and add function ubuntuOvs in it.

function all {

echo “Installing all packages except for -eix (doxypy, ivs, nox-classic)…”
# Skip mn_dev (doxypy/texlive/fonts/etc.) because it’s huge
# mn_dev
echo “Enjoy Mininet!”

The script that I use to install Mininet, OpenFlow, OpenFlow v1.3, Wireshark, Floodlight and Open vSwitch 2.3.0 into SDN_RAD folder under home directory is here. Use it at your own risk!

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 🙂